Property Settlements

Our solicitors provide advice in relation to your rights and entitlements when it comes to the division of property and superannuation after the breakdown of a relationship. Property is a term that goes beyond the matrimonial home and it is important that the total pool of assets and liabilities is identified at an early stage so that you are informed when making financial decisions.

​There is a misconception that a property settlement means you must go to court. Whilst there are times that this is inevitable, our solicitors are not unnecessarily adversarial and try to negotiate with the other side before filing an application. Although obtaining a negotiated settlement is preferable, we do litigate on behalf of our clients and engage the services of experienced barristers to assist when required.

We maintain relationships with experienced accountants, real estate agents and other professionals that may need to be engaged in order to comprehensively litigate a matter.

Need some advice? Get in touch.