Deceased Estates

We understand that engaging a solicitor to carry out tasks relating to deceased estates often coincides with a period of loss and mourning. We provide a sensitive and caring environment, aiming to minimise the need for loved ones to deal with the additional stress of obtaining Probate on the deceased estate.

Purdie Legal is registered with the Probate Registry and utilises their online system for the process of probate.  We can take instructions from the executors of the estate to obtain a Grant of Probate and in the case where there is no valid Will, we can assist the Administrators to obtain Letters of Administration.

Grants of Probate and Grants of Letters of Administration are issued by the by the Probate Registry  within the Supreme Court of South Australia. Once these grants are obtained the Executor or Administrator of an estate is able to deal with the estate and ultimately distribute the net assets. This can often be a complex process and involve engaging with third parties such as real estate agents, accountants, financial planners as well as various government agencies. We are able to assist our clients by attending to distribution of the estate after the Grant of Probate is obtained.

Need some advice? Get in touch.