Children’s Matters
At Purdie Legal we appreciate that all relationships and resulting situations are unique and with this in mind, we tailor our approach to each client.
Separation is most often a stressful and confusing time for both parents and their children. Our solicitors strive to provide clients with the support they need when faced with decisions regarding the most important people in their lives.
There are many things to consider when addressing future care of children including issues such as living arrangements, parental responsibility, shared care, spending time with the other parent or significant others and time spending during school holidays and other special occasions.
Long term care of a child also encompasses a financial element, our solicitors can provide advice on child support rights and obligations as well as assist with complex cases involving detailed assessments through the Child Support Agency.
The issue of relocation may arise in children’s matters even after a long term arrangement has been in place, for example a change of employment or move with a new partner. Relocation applications are usually complex and expensive. We arrange a professional opinion from an experienced barrister outlining the likelihood of success and the estimated costs of a relocation matter before filing in court. Our experienced solicitors will then guide the client through this process should they choose to proceed.
The structure of the family unit continues to evolve and increasingly our legal system is adapting to these changes. Our solicitors take part in professional development and keep abreast of changing legislation in this regard.